Object and Type
Object : FCApplication
Type : Method
Public Function IsInHgbstList (ByVal TheElement As String,
ByVal ListName As String,
Optional ByVal Element1 As String = "", Optional ByVal Element2 As String = "", Optional ByVal Element3 As String = "", Optional ByVal Element4 As String = "") As Boolean
This method returns a boolean value indicating if a given string is a valid element in a given user-defined list. You may validate an element up to a 5-level list. The hgbst tables are cached in the FCApplication object, so this method does not cause a database round-trip.
Parameter Name Required? Description
TheElement Yes The element to be checked for its existence in the list.
ListName Yes The user-defined list name.
Element1 No The parent element for TheElement, if TheElement is in a 2
level list. Else, the parent element for Element2.
Element2 No The parent element for TheElement, if TheElement is in a 3
level list. Else, the parent element for Element3.
Element3 No The parent element for TheElement, if TheElement is in a 4
level list. Else, the parent element for Element4.
Element4 No The parent element for TheElement, if TheElement is in a 5
level list.
True if the Element does exist in the ListName list. Else, False.
Error Codes
Value Meaning
10008 ListName must not be empty.
10009 Invalid ListName.
10015 Invalid Element for List.
The following example verifies different elements in different levels of the FAMILY user-defined list.
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
Is 'Operating Systems' a valid element in 'Family' ? <BR>
<%=FCApp.IsInHgbstList("Operating Systems", "Family")%> <BR>
Is 'Operating Systems' a valid element in 'Family:Software' ? <BR>
<%=FCApp.IsInHgbstList("Operating Systems", "Family", "Software")%><BR>
Is 'Windows' a valid element in 'Family:Software:Operating Systems' ?
<%=FCApp.IsInHgbstList("Windows", "Family", "Software",
"Operating Systems")%>
Is 'Operating Systems' a valid element in 'Family:Bad Level' ? <BR>
Note that this will cause an error to be thrown.<BR>
try {
FCApp.IsInHgbstList("Operating Systems", "Family", "Bad Level") }
catch (e) {
Response.Write(e.description); }